Deer Mountain Alpacas, LLC

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2019-A year to remember!

The start!
Walls going up!

Walls going up!

Roof going on!

Roof going on!

Almost completed

Almost completed

Ready for Visitors!

Ready for Visitors!

This past year seemed to just fly by on the farm! We were fortunate enough to be able to finally build our new farm store with the help of lots of friends. The process started in May and we were able to open the store on December 4th and held a 2-day Grand Opening. Visitors are able to interact with the alpacas right by the store and can then see products that are made with the amazing alpaca fiber. I was so very excited to finally be able to take product out of boxes and totes and put it out on display! We did have lots of visitors this year at our annual National Alpaca Farm Days. Although, our store was not officially open, I was able to feature a few items on tables. And, even though the alpacas get a little weary from all of the attention-I think they look forward to all of the treats they receive! We were expecting 3 cria to be born on the farm the weekend before NAFD, but were very disappointed that none of the girls produced babies this year after all. All 3 girls indicated that they were pregnant, but they either all miscarried during the year or just plain fooled me. We are trying again with 4 girls due in July and August.