Deer Mountain Alpacas, LLC

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2017 in Review

NAFD 2017
3 new Cria!

3 new Cria!

Star at age 3

Star at age 3

alpacapalooza 2017

alpacapalooza 2017



Another year has gone by and with it many happy times with our alpacas along with some heartaches. It seems that time goes by so fast, probably because we are always busy. We have three new babies this year, one female cria (Kelly) was born in July and two male cria (Smokey & Augi) were born within a day of each other in August. They are growing so fast! Our visitors during National Alpaca Farm Days in September were able to visit with them when they were only weeks old. However, we lost our oldest alpaca. Arianna was a rescue that lived to be over 20 years old! She was pretty wild when we got her at age 14, but along the way she learned to trust us and even had a cria! I miss her even though she was grouchy and ornery most of the time. Ha! Ha! We also lost one of my favorite girls, Star. She was only 7 when she crossed the rainbow bridge. She developed a mass that affected her kidneys and we could not save her. It was very hard to see her go. She was a very sweet girl and was momma to one of our very handsome herdsires. On a happier note, our 4 girls and 1 boy that went to alpacapalooza this past spring did really well in the Halter and Walking Fleece show. We are so proud of them! We came home with 10 ribbons! Abraxas took the black Color Champion in the Walking Fleece Show. He is a beautiful boy! We are looking forward to some down time as winter is setting in. A good time to try to get some fleece processed into yarn and make repairs around the farm. Before we know it, it will be time for shearing again!